For potential new client inquiries:

Please note that I am currently unable to accept new client referrals.

If we have worked together in the past, please contact me and we can discuss more.

The best way to contact me for any reason is by email.

If you are experiencing urgent concerns and need assistance right away, please go to an emergency room or call 911. If you are looking for support via a hotline or warmline, I have collected some resources in a list here.

When we struggle, it can be isolating and lonely. We may start to blame ourselves, ask "what's wrong with me," or begin to lose hope that things can get better. Connection, intimacy, and understanding are some of the most essential building blocks of the human experience, and I believe that creating a safe and nonjudgmental place within therapy to look more deeply at these parts of ourselves can uncover trauma, pain, and fear that may be preventing us and our relationships from growing to their full potential. I believe that the therapeutic relationship we create together can become

Traumatic experiences can cause us to lose touch with our ability to trust ourselves, others, and the world around us, and I believe that one of the most important ways therapy can help us recover after trauma is in finding the way back to trusting our own singular authentic voice. Trust in yourself can be a vital foundation for growth, building healthy relationships, and feeling hope for a future with more ease, peace, and joy.

I view psychotherapy as a process of embracing our vulnerability—being our truest selves, feeling our truest and most core emotions—in a safe and supportive environment, to build new skills to grow with the experience, wisdom, and bravery that already exists within you. I view my role as a therapist as a provider of safety, accompanying you on your journey toward yourself and helping to hold up a light to the beautiful and the painful places inside you that may be hard to look at.

My specialized areas of experience/in-depth training:

  • healing from trauma of many kinds, including single-incident traumas and the more compounded forms of relational trauma that can lead to Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or CPTSD;

  • Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN);

  • working with adults experiencing burnout, including neurodivergent burnout;

  • helping individuals who are struggling within their relationships;

  • supporting activists and people who are engaged in social justice action;

  • exploring late-identified autism and/or ADHD;

  • and assisting stepmoms/future stepmoms in managing the unique dynamics and stressors within that role.

I hold a solid foundation in trauma-informed treatment throughout all life and developmental stages, including completion of Level 2 training in Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM), which is a somatic trauma treatment.

I approach all therapy from a relational, community centered, strengths-based perspective. In all that I do, I strive to come from a foundation of cultural consciousness and humility, social justice, abolitionist and liberationist values, and acknowledgement of the structural and interpersonal dynamics of power and privilege. None are free until we all are free.

Values Statement

Every person's story is unique, and I consider myself always to be a learner, and consider you to be the expert on your life and experiences, and the one in the driver’s seat of the therapy experience and relationship.

It is of crucial importance to me that I bring my personal human values to the therapy relationship, most especially: anti-oppressive practices, inclusion, transparency and honesty, equitable power dynamics and the elimination of hierarchical power wherever possible, creating an environment where it’s safe for others to speak to me honestly about how I impact them (including when I have harmed them) and to ask for repair and to trust that I will show up to offer that repair. I am transparent about my political and social justice orientation because I believe it is your right to have fully informed consent about who you choose for your therapist. Please know that any questions about my beliefs and/or education on any topic relevant to your lived experience are perfectly ok to ask.



Find out more about me, my experience, and training.


Find out more about what services I provide.

Please check out my blog about therapy (mostly for therapists but for ANyone who wants to read it), love is radical praxis!